UL 9595-2020 pdf download

UL 9595-2020 pdf download

UL 9595-2020 pdf download.Factory Follow-Up on Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs).
4.3 The Certification and/or Inspection Body shall determine, by means of an Initial Production Inspection (IPI) and review of the Applicant’s quality assurance measures, including competent staff and necessary equipment, that the Factory is eligible for coverage under a Certification Program. 4.4 An IPI shall be required for any production by a new Applicant or new Factory, or when the new PFD product does not use the same or similar aspects of production as existing production. 4.5 The IPI shall consist of witnessing the performance of all testing procedures required for Factory testing by the employees that will normally be performing said tests, and verification the Applicant and/or Factory has: a) Equipment/area necessary to perform required Factory testing. b) Calibration program and calibration records of equipment are traceable to appropriate National Standards and comply with section 6.3 of this standard. c) Records to demonstrate that the employees are competent to perform required Factory testing. d) Knowledge of minimum requirements for follow-up documents. e) Record keeping and documentation of procedures. f) A quality management system in place, noting the length of time the quality management system has been in place with documentation, which includes: 1) Incoming inspections and/or Supplier verification, 2) Segregation of non-conforming product/components, and 3) Procedures for disposition of non-conforming items. 4.6 The IPI may be waived/modified by the Certification Body if an IPI was previously conducted for that applicant and factory location that covered the same or similar aspects of production.
4.7 The Certification and/or Inspection Body shall witness, as applicable, all necessary examinations, tests, and inspections to determine compliance of randomly selected samples of the Certified product with the requirements specified in the Follow-Up Document. Samples shall be selected from production intended to bear the Certification Mark, finished products at the Applicant’s factory bearing the Certification Mark, and may also include products that bear the Certification Mark that have been purchased on the open market. Records of factory tests and product examinations conducted between Factory Follow-Up audits shall also be audited for compliance. 4.8 The Certification and/or Inspection Body shall have the right to conduct unannounced inspections/audits at the factory, and to control Certification Marks, including the right to require that the Applicant remove a Mark from a product that does not comply with the requirements or place a product on hold pending rework or review by the AHJ. 4.9 The Applicant shall agree to have the product investigated by the Certification Body to determine compliance with changes in standards or shall agree to discontinue application of the Certification Mark when such changes become effective, or hold and revise the product to bring it into compliance with the new standard. 4.10 Each component shall be used in accordance with its certification rating and other limitations for use. Where components are not covered by a separate Follow-Up Program, the Applicant is responsible for ensuring that all relevant requirements are met.
5.1.4 The Inspection Body shall complete a report at the time of each inspection and shall record an audit of the Applicant’s and/or Factory’s data sheets from both the ongoing inspection visit and samples of Applicant’s and/or Factory’s data sheets from production since the last inspection visit. The inspection report shall include at least the following information: a) Date of inspection; b) Inspector’s name and Inspection Body’s name; c) Factory address; d) Representative of the Applicant’s name, phone number, and email address; e) Follow-up document identification number; f) Identification of the PFD product(s) inspected; g) Nature of Inspection (i.e. regular inspection, audit inspection, etc.); h) Quantity of Certification Marks used since last visit; i) Description of non-compliances and corrective actions, if any, determined during the Inspection; j) Identification of samples being sent to the Certification Body, if required; and k) The inspection result and a statement of conformity where applicable.UL 9595-2020 pdf download.

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