UL 7103-2020 pdf download

UL 7103-2020 pdf download

UL 7103-2020 pdf download.Light Emitting Diode (LED) Equipment for Use in Lighting Products.
5 Glossary 5.1 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply. 5.2 ANCILL ARY EQUIPMENT – Equipment needed for the photovoltaic system, such as rapid shutdown equipment, inverters, or combiner boxes. 5.3 ARRAY – A mechanically-integrated assembly of modules or panels with a support structure and foundation, tracking, thermal control, and other components, if used, to form a dc power-producing unit. 5.4 BUILDINGINTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAIC (BIPV) ROOF COVERING – The combination of photovoltaic modules and panels and the securement means (including fasteners, spacers, mechanical supports, and any other component contributing to the resistance of the BIPV roof covering to damage from live load, wind, seismic, debris impact, or other roof loads) for installing the photovoltaic modules and panels as a roof covering In the form of shingles, panels, or tiles CONSTRUCTION 6 General 6.1 A BIPV roof covering may be completely assembled when shipped from the factory, or may be provided in subassemblies, provided assembly of the BIPV roof covering does not involve any action that is likely to affect compliance with the requirements of this standard. Exception: An assembly part need not be affixed to the BIPV roof covering at the factory. 6.2 A module or panel assembly bolt, screw, or other part shall not be intended for securing the complete device to the supporting surface or frame.
6.6 Friction between surfaces is not acceptable as the sole means to inhibit the turning or loosening of a part, but a lock washer properly applied is acceptable for this purpose. 6.7 An adjustable or movable structural part shall be provided with a locking device to reduce the likelihood of unintentional shifting, if any such shifting may result in a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons. 6.8 Metals used in locations that may be wet or moist shall not be employed in combinations that could result in deterioration of either metal such that the product would not comply with the requirements in this standard. 6.9 Edges, projections, and corners of BIPV roof coverings or subassemblies shall be such as to reduce the risk of injury to persons. 6.10 Whenever a referee measurement is necessary to determine that a part as mentioned in 6.9 is not sufficiently sharp to constitute a risk of injury to persons, the method described in the requirements in UL 1439 is to be employed. 7 Polymeric Materials 7.1 Polymeric materials shall comply with the entirety of Section 7, Polymeric Materials, in UL 1703 or Clause 5.5, Materials, in UL 61730-1. 7.2 Polymeric components contributing to the mechanical strength or resistance to water intrusion of the BIPV roof covering or used as part of the BIPV roof covering mounting means shall comply with all of the following requirements: a) The polymeric material shall have a flammability classification of HB, V-2, V-1, V-0, 5VA or 5VB in accordance with UL 94; b) Water exposure and immersion and exposure to ultraviolet light requirements as determined in accordance with UL 746C, where exposed to direct sunlight during normal operation of the product. Polymeric materials that are exposed to direct sunlight and are protected by glass, or other transparent medium, shall be tested with an equivalent layer of that medium attenuating the ultraviolet light exposure during the test.
8 Current-Carrying Parts and Internal Wiring 8.1 BIPV construction shall comply with UL 1703, Section 8, Current Carrying Parts and Internal Wiring, or UL 61730-1, Clauses 5.3.2, Internal Wiring, and 5.3.3, External wiring and Cables. 9 Wireways 9.1 An enclosure or wireway, created by or built into the BIPV roofing system, for wiring control and protection, shall be smooth and free from sharp edges, burrs, protrusion of fasteners (screws, etc.) or the like that may damage insulation of conductors. 10 Electrical Connection Means 10.1 Connection means shall meet the requirements of UL 1703, Section 10, or UL 61730-1, Clause 5.3.4, Connectors, and Clause 5.3.8, Electrical Connections. 10.2 A module or panel shall be capable of accommodating at least one of the acceptable wiring systems described in the NEC. 10.3 A module or panel shall be provided with wiring terminals, connectors, or leads to accommodate current-carrying conductors of the load circuit. Connectors shall meet the requirements of UL 6703, and conductors shall be USE 2 Sunlight resistant or Photovoltaic (PV) Wire.UL 7103-2020 pdf download.

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