UL 1026-2009 pdf download

UL 1026-2009 pdf download.Electric Household Cooking and Food Serving Appliances.

UL 1026-2009 pdf download.Electric Household Cooking and Food Serving Appliances.
3 Undated References 3.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard. 4 Units of Measurement 4.1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information. 5 Glossary 5.1 For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply. 5.2 LINE-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT – A line-voltage circuit is one involving a potential of not more than 250 V and having circuit characteristics in excess of those of a low-voltage circuit. A circuit derived from a source of supply classified as a line-voltage circuit, by connecting resistance in series with the supply circuits as a means of limiting the voltage and current, is not considered to be a low-voltage circuit as described in 5.3. 5.3 LOW-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT – A low-voltage circuit is one involving a potential of not more the 30 V and supplied by a primary battery, by a standard Class 2 transformer, or by an impedance that, as a unit, complies with all of the performance requirements for Class 2 transformer. CONSTRUCTION 6 General 6.1 If the operation of an appliance involves the generation and confining under pressure of steam or other gas, consideration shall be given to the possibility of an explosion risk incident to such operation. The appliance shall not be acceptable unless its strength is adequate with respect to any explosion risk that may be involved.
7 Frame and Enclosure 7.1 The frame and enclosure of an appliance shall be sufficiently strong and rigid to resist the abuses likely to be encountered during intended service. The degree of resistance inherent in the appliance shall preclude total or partial collapse with the attendant reduction of spacings, loosening or displacement of parts, and other serious defects that alone or in combination constitute an increase in the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury. 7.2 An appliance shall be provided with an enclosure of material acceptable for the particular application, which shall house all electrical parts, except for a supply cord, and except for an open-wire-element unit as mentioned in 1 5.3 and 1 5.4 that may present a risk of fire, shock, or injury under any condition of use. If an appliance is intended for permanent connection to the power supply, the enclosure shall be provided with means for mounting in the intended manner and shall be furnished with any necessary fittings, such as brackets, hangers, or the like.
For a nonmetallic enclosure, see the enclosure requirements in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C. A metal enclosure or enclosure part shall be tested in accordance with Metal Enclosure Impact Tests, Section 46, for resistance to impact. Exception No. 1 : When considering the abnormal and severe conditions tests of UL 746C, the appliance enclosure is to be judged under the abnormal operations tests of Abnormal Operation Test, Section 49, of this standard. Exception No. 2: Thermoset materials need not be subjected to the relative thermal capability requirements of UL 746C. For a thermoset material operating at a temperature above its temperature rating, the 1 000 hour aging test as outlined in 48.1 shall be conducted. 7.6 A thermoplastic enclosure of an appliance provided with overheating protection (Overheating Protection, Section 26) need not comply with the flammability requirements of UL 746C if a material rated HB, and possessing 60 arcs minimum resistance to high current arc ignition, and 7 second minimum resistance to hot wire ignition is employed and all enclosure parts including ribs, grills, and the like are spaced a minimum 1 /2 inch (1 2.7 mm) from uninsulated live parts. 7.7 Cast- and sheet-metal portions of enclosure shall be no thinner than indicated in Table 7.1 unless the enclosure is found to be acceptable when judged under considerations as mentioned in 7.5 and 7.8.UL 1026-2009 pdf download.

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