UL 347-2009 pdf download

UL 347-2009 pdf download

UL 347-2009 pdf download.Medium-Voltage AC Contactors , Controllers , and Control Centers.
3.1 .1 06 ambient air temperature: The temperature , determined under prescribed conditions , of the air surrounding the complete switching device or fuse. [IEV 441 -1 1 -1 3) NOTE: For switching devices or fuses installed inside an enclosure , it is the temperature of the air outside the enclosure 3.1.201 medium-voltage : AC voltage in the range of 1 501 to 7 200 V (in Canada , 751 to 7 200 V). NOTE: The applicable installation codes will in some cases refer to this voltage range as “high-voltage.” 3.1 .202 medium-voltage compartment: A containing one or more medium-voltage components. 3.1 .203 low-voltage: For th is standard , ac voltage in the range of 50 to 1 500 V (in Canada , 50 to 750 V). NOTE: The applicable installation codes refer to voltages above 600 Vrms (750 Vrms in Canada) as “high 3.1 .204 low-voltage control compartment: A containing only low-voltage components. 3.1 .205 auxiliary compartment: A containing components and busing as needed to complete the functional requirements of an individual controller or a control center beyond the operational functions provided by individual controllers 3.1 .206 line contactor: Contactor whose line terminals are energized when the isolating means is closed. 3.1 .207 connected position of a drawout (withdrawable) element: The position of a drawout (withdrawable) element in which it is fully connected to the main and secondary circuits. 3.1 .208 test position of a drawout (withdrawable) element: The position of a drawout (withdrawable) element in which an isolating distance or segregation is established in the main circuit and in which the auxiliary circuits are connected. [IEV 441 -1 6-27 , modified)
3.1 .209 Class E controller: Class E controllers are intended for controlling and protecting medium- voltage electric motors or other electrical loads , including transformers , capacitors , and branch circuits. 3.1 .21 0 Class E1 controller: Class E1 controllers utilize the main contactor to make and break all currents up to and including the breaking capacity of the controller. 3.1.211 Class E2 controller: Class E2 controllers utilize the main contactor to make and break load and operating overload currents and utilize medium-voltage fuses for interrupting fault currents that exceed the breaking capacity of the main contactor. 3.1 .21 2 medium-voltage control center (or control center): A floor-mounted assembly of one or more enclosed vertical sections , principally containing controller(s) in medium-voltage and designed to provide power to more than one medium-voltage compartment by a common power bus. NOTE : Also referred 10 as “conlrolgear”. 3.1 .21 3 assembly : A combination of controllers or controlgear completely assembled with all internal electrical and mechanical interconnections. [IEV 441 -1 2- 01 , modified)
3. 1 .21 4 barrier (or partition): A part of an assembly separating one compartment from other compartments. [1 EV 441-13-05J 3.1.215 blank space: An unusable containi ng no components or bus , and not intended for future installation of additional components. 3.1.216 space for future controller uni t: An empty suitab le for future installation of a specified controller. Th is compartment does not include connections to power bus , but is suitable for future installation of connections to power bus. 3.1 .21 7 factory-prepared space for future controller unit: A suitable for future installation of a complete control le r. This compartment includes connections to power bus. 3.1 . 218 partially completed controller unit: A equipped as a complete except without power fuses , CTs , and load-side power connections. NOTE: These elements (power fuse rating , CT ratio , load-side power connections , etc.) are excepted , because they can only be sized correctly with specific motor data. 3. 1 .21 9 spare controller unit : A fully equipped (complet e) controller , suitab le for immediate use , with a specific rati ng , but without a specific controller ( Io ad) designation : 3.1.220 clearance: Th e distance between two conductive parts along a string stretched the shortest way between these conductive pa rts. [IEV 441-17-31 J 3.1.221 control power transformer (CPT): A transformer utilized to supply voltage for control circuits and auxilary devices.UL 347-2009 pdf download.

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