UL 1004-2-2009 pdf download

UL 1004-2-2009 pdf download.Impedance Protected Motors.

UL 1004-2-2009 pdf download.Impedance Protected Motors.
41A Locked-Rotor or No-Load Temperature Test 41 A.1 Three motors are to be stalled, and the locked rotor wattage of each measured. The same three motors are to be run no-load. The sample exhibiting the highest wattage in either condition is then to be either locked in a stationary position using a means of low thermal conductivity or allowed to run no-load (whichever condition results in the highest wattage consumption). 41 A.1 effective September 1 6, 201 3 41 A.2 Testing of a permanent-split capacitor motor is to be conducted with the capacitor either properly connected in the circuit or short-circuited, whichever results in the higher temperature. Exception No. 1 : A motor that employs an integrally mounted and enclosed capacitor is not required to be tested with the capacitor short-circuited. Exception No. 2: A motor that employs a capacitor evaluated to the construction and testing requirements in the Standard for Capacitors, UL 81 0, is not required to be tested with the capacitor short-circuited. 41 A.2 effective September 1 6, 201 3 41 A.3 Temperatures are to be measured: a) By the change-in-resistance method; or b) With a thermocouple applied directly to the actual conductor material, integrally applied conductor insulation, or coil wrap, as applicable. 41 A.3 effective September 1 6, 201 3 41 A.4 Starting at room temperature, the motor is to be energized continuously for 72 hours, during which the winding temperatures are to be monitored continuously until thermal equilibrium is attained and then continuously for the final hour. Exception: The test may be discontinued when the winding temperatures stabilize at a constant temperature not exceeding 1 00°C (21 2°F). The Endurance Test, Section 41 B, is not required to be performed. 41 A.4 effective September 1 6, 201 3
41B Endurance Test 41 B.1 Immediately following the Locked-Rotor or No-Load Temperature Test, Section 41 A, a motor is to be re-energized under the conditions of that test for an additional 1 5 days. Exception: If the maximum coil winding temperature measured during the Locked-Rotor or No-Load Temperature Test, Section 41 A, does not exceed the normal temperature limits for the insulation class as specified in Table 31 .2 of UL 1 004-1 , then the Endurance Test shall not be required. Revised 41 B.1 effective September 1 6, 201 3 41 B.1 .1 If a Locked-Rotor Endurance Test is interrupted prior to its completion (1 5 days), the manufacturer is to be given the option of restarting the test from the beginning with a new sample, or continuing the test with the original motor, at the point where it was interrupted until the cumulative 1 5 days has elapsed. If the test is restarted and the motor complies with the acceptance criteria noted in 41 B.2 – 41 B.4, then the results are to be considered acceptable. If the motor does not comply with one or more of the criteria, then at the manufacturer’s discretion, the test may be repeated with a new sample. Added 41 B.1 .1 effective September 1 6, 201 3 41 B.2 At the conclusion of the 1 5 days, the motor shall comply with the following: a) There shall be no evidence of excessive deterioration of the insulation. Simple discoloration of the insulation meets the intent of the requirement, and charring or embrittlement to the extent that the insulation flakes off or material is removed when the windings are rubbed with the thumb does not meet the intent of the requirement. b) The fuse in the grounding conductor shall not open. c) The motor shall still electrically operate.
43 General 43.1 The words “Impedance-Protected” shall be marked on the outside of the motor where visible. Exception: A motor having a rated input of 1 00 watts or less may be marked “Z.P.” or ″ ZP ″ instead of “Impedance-Protected”. 43.1 effective September 1 6, 201 3 43.2 A motor rated 1 /8 horsepower (93 W) or more shall be marked with the rated horsepower. 43.2 effective September 1 6, 201 3 43.3 An alternating-current motor rated 1 /2 horsepower (373 W output) or more shall be marked with a code letter to indicate locked-rotor amperes in accordance with the National Electrical Code ®, NFPA 70. The National Electrical Code ® and NEC ® are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., Quincy, MA 021 69. 43.3 effective September 1 6, 201 3 43.4 A wound-rotor induction motor shall be marked with the secondary volts and full-load amperes. 43.4 effective September 1 6, 201 3 43.5 A direct-current motor shall be marked to indicate the winding type – straight shunt, stabilized shunt, compound, or series. 43.5 effective September 1 6, 201 3 43.6 A multi-speed motor, other than a shaded-pole or a permanent-split-capacitor motor, shall be marked with the amperes and horsepower at each speed. 43.6 effective September 1 6, 201 3UL 1004-2-2009 pdf download.

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