UL 9-2009 pdf download

UL 9-2009 pdf download

UL 9-2009 pdf download.Fire Pump Motors.
1 .1 These methods of fire tests are applicable to window assemblies, including glass block and other light transmitting assemblies, for use in the protection of openings in vertical fire resistive assemblies. 1 .2 Assemblies classified in accordance with this standard provide only limited protection from the transmission of heat. This standard provides guidance to measure the heat flux emitted through the test specimen during the fire exposure and temperatures on the unexposed surface. 1 .3 Tests made in conformity with these test methods shall not be construed as determining suitability of window assemblies for continued use after fire exposure. 1 .4 These methods are intended to evaluate the ability of a window or other light transmitting assembly to remain in an opening during a predetermined test exposure. 1 .5 The tests expose a specimen to a standard fire exposure controlled to achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period, followed by the application of a specified standard fire hose stream. The exposure, however, may not be representative of all fire exposure conditions, which may vary with changes in the amount, nature, and distribution of fire loading; ventilation; compartment size and configuration; and heat sink characteristics of the compartment. It does, however, provide a relative measure of fire performance of window assemblies under these specified exposure conditions. 1 .6 This standard defines two pressure conditions for the control of the furnace during the fire exposure. One pressure condition is identified as a positive pressure condition and one is identified as a neutral pressure condition.
1 .7 Any variation from the construction or conditions that are tested may substantially change the performance characteristics of the assembly. 1 .8 These methods do not provide the following: a) Full information as to performance of all window assemblies in walls constructed of materials other than tested. b) Evaluation of the degree by which the window assembly contributes to the fire hazard by generation of smoke, toxic gases, or other products of combustion. c) Measurement of the degree of control or limitation of smoke or products of combustion passage through the window assembly. These methods permit loss of glass lights and through openings, provided such loss and openings do not exceed specified limits.
2 General 2.1 Units of measurement 2.1 .1 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information. 2.2 Undated references 2.2.1 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard. PERFORMANCE 3 Control of Fire Tests 3.1 Time-temperature curve 3.1 .1 The fire exposure of window assemblies shall be controlled to conform to the applicable portion of the standard time-temperature curve shown in Figure 3.1 . The points on the curve that determine its character are: 1 000°F (538°C) at 5 minutes 1 300°F (704°C) at 1 0 minutes 1 462°F (795°C) at 20 minutes 1 550°F (843°C) at 30 minutes 1 638°F (892°C) at 45 minutes 1 700°F (927°C) at 1 hour 1 792°F (978°C) at 1 -1 /2 hours 1 850°F (1 01 0°C) at 2 hours 1 925°F (1 052°C) at 3 hours For a closer definition of the time-temperature curve, see Appendix A.
3.2 Furnace temperatures 3.2.1 The temperatures of the test exposure shall be the average temperature obtained by a minimum of three thermocouples and no fewer than one thermocouple per 1 5 square feet of test assembly exposed to the furnace symmetrically disposed and distributed to show the temperature near all parts of the test assembly. The thermocouples are to be protected by sealed porcelain tubes having 3/4 in (1 9.1 mm) outside diameter and 1 /8 in (3.2 mm) wall thickness or, as an alternate in the case of base-metal thermocouples, protected by: (1 ) sealed 1 /2-in (1 2.7-mm) wrought-steel or wrought-iron pipe, in accordance with Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe, ANSI/ASME B36.1 0M, of standard weight, or (2) Inconel 600 series schedule 40 pipe (0.8 inch OD / 0.6 inch ID, 20 mm OD / 1 5 mm ID). See Figure 3.2. The exposed length of the thermocouple protection tube in the furnace chamber is not to be less than 1 2 in (305 mm). The junction of the thermocouples is to be 6 in (1 52 mm) from the exposed face of the test assembly, or from the construction in which the assembly is installed during the entire test exposure.UL 9-2009 pdf download.

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