UL 94-2010 pdf download

UL 94-2010 pdf download

UL 94-2010 pdf download.Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances.
2.2 Referenced standards in this text 2.2.1 If a designation for a test method is followed by an alternate or equivalent designation, in parenthesis, the latter method is considered technically equivalent, though not necessarily identical, and might yield somewhat different numerical test results than those obtained with the original test method. ISO 1 3943, Fire Safety – Vocabulary (ASTM E 1 76, Standard Terminology of Fire Standards) ISO 291 : Standard Atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing (ASTM D 61 8, Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing) ASTM D 789, Test Method for Determination of Relative Viscosity of Polyamide ASTM E 1 62, Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source ASTM D 31 95, Practice of Rotameter Calibration IEC TS60695-1 1 -4, Test Flames 50 W Flames – Apparatus and Confirmational Test Methods; Method A and IEC TS60695-1 1 -3, Test Flames 500 W Flames – Apparatus and Confirmational Test Methods; Method A ( ASTM D 5025, Specification for a Laboratory Burner Used for Small-Scale Burning Tests on Plastic Materials; ASTM D 5207, Practice for Confirmation of 20 mm (50 W) Test Flames for Small-Scale Burning Tests on Plastic Materials) ASTM 201 6, Standard Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth, Appendix X3 HB: ASTM D 635, Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Self-Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal Position (IEC 60695-1 1 -1 0, Fire hazard testing Part 1 1 -1 0; Test flames 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods)
2.3 Related standards 2.3.1 The Standard for Polymeric Materials – Short Term Property Evaluations, UL 746A, contains short-term test procedures to be used for the evaluation of materials used for parts intended for specific applications in electrical end products. The Standard for Polymeric Materials – Long Term Property Evaluations, UL 746B, contains long-term test procedures to be used for the evaluation of materials used for parts intended for specific applications in end products. Test procedures are provided in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Use in Electrical Equipment Evaluations, UL 746C, for the evaluation of polymeric materials in specific applications in end products. The test procedures include reference to the data obtained from the standard property tests in UL 746A, as well as other practical means of evaluation. The Standard for Polymeric Materials – Fabricated Parts, UL 746D, contains requirements for traceability and performance of parts molded and fabricated from polymeric materials. 2.3.2 Requirements for materials that have been modified to match the requirements of a specific application, including – but not limited to – the use of recycled and regrind materials, the use of additives and colorants, and the blending of two or more materials, are described in the Standard for Polymeric Materials – Fabricated Parts, UL 746D.
4 Significance of Tests 4.1 Tests conducted on a material under the conditions specified are intended to provide information when: comparing the relative burning characteristics of different materials, or assessing any change in burning characteristics prior to, or during, use. This method is not intended to provide correlation with performance under actual service conditions. 4.1 revised June 1 0, 1 997 4.2 Assessment for risk of fire shall take into account such factors as fuel contribution, intensity of burning (rate of heat release), products of combustion and environmental factors such as the intensity of source, orientation of exposed material and ventilation conditions. 4.2 revised June 1 0, 1 997 4.3 Burning characteristics, as measured by these test procedures, are affected by such factors as: density, color, any anisotrophy of the material molding conditions and the thickness of the specimen. 4.4 When a specimen of a thin material shrinks from the flame without igniting, the test results shall be deemed invalid and additional specimens shall be tested. If all test specimens shrink from the applied flame without igniting, these materials cannot be evaluated by the test procedure and an alternate test procedure in this Standard shall be conducted. 4.4 revised June 1 0, 1 997UL 94-2010 pdf download.

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