UL 2162-2019 pdf download

UL 2162-2019 pdf download

UL 2162-2019 pdf download.Commercial Wood-Fired Baking Ovens – Refractory Type.
7.5 Cast iron and unprotected and painted sheet steel complying with the requirements of notes (k) and (l) in Table 15.1 comply with the requirements of 7.4. 7.6 Parts that are in contact with flue gases and that are not visible after installation shall be of a material having the durability and resistance to corrosion, fire, and heat equivalent to fireclay tile or Series 300 or 400 stainless steel. 7.7 Thermal insulation material shall be of metal or of a mineral base. 7.8 Thermal insulation shall comply with the following conditions when the oven is tested in accordance with these requirements: a) The insulation shall not show evidence of softening, melting, or deterioration. b) Except for binder materials, thermal insulation material shall be noncombustible. c) Thermal insulation shall not come into contact with the products of combustion. d) Thermal insulation that is not self-supporting shall be applied to solid surfaces so that the insulation does not sag. An adhesive or cement used to attach such material shall retain its adhesive qualities at any temperature the adhesive may attain when tested in accordance with these requirements and at 0°F (minus 18°C). e) Adhesives or cements used in the installation of insulating materials shall have a flame spread rating of 25 or less when tested in accordance with the Standard for Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, UL 723. f) A water-absorbing insulating material shall not be subject to wetting by condensation when installed as intended. g) Asbestos material shall not be used.
7.9 A device shall be provided to indicate the oven operating temperature. This device shall measure either the oven air temperature or the temperature of the refractory material or both. An electrically operated temperature-indicating device shall comply with the applicable requirements in the Standard for Temperature-Indicating and -Regulating Equipment, UL 873, or it shall be evaluated as an operating control with class A control functions to the Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use, Part 1: General Requirements, UL 60730-1 in addition to the Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use; Part 2: Particular Requirements for Temperature Sensing Controls, ANSI/UL 60730-2-9. 8 Assembly 8.1 An oven shall consist of all the essential parts necessary for the intended installation of the complete oven assembly. Each part of the assembly shall be constructed for ready attachment to the other without requiring alteration by the installer, such as cutting, threading, drilling, welding, or similar tasks. Exception: An assembly or component part intended to be cut to length or to be fitted by the installer may be provided when means are furnished for joining any altered part to a companion part or assembly. All fasteners required to complete the assembly shall be provided with the product by the manufacturer. Drilling is not prohibited when: a) The drilling operation does not weaken the assemblyorpenetrate into the flue liner; and b) The size ofthe required drill bit is specified and the instructions clearly describe the locations to be drilled, such as bythe use ofdrawings, descriptions, templates, orthe like.
8.2 Two or more parts or subassemblies that bear a definite relationship to each other in the intended application shall be: a) Arranged and constructed to permit them to be incorporated into the complete assembly without need for alteration or alignment and only in the intended relationship with each other; or b) Assembled and shipped from the factory as one unit. 8.3 Each part, such as an oven flue section or support element, shall be completely assembled by the manufacturer at the factory. 8.4 When an oven flue assembly incorporates elbows, no part of the oven flue shall be at an angle of more than 30 degrees from the vertical at any point in the assembly, and the oven connector shall not include more than one offset (two elbows). 9 Joints 9.1 Parts of an oven shall be joined and secured so that they do not disengage when tested in accordance with these requirements. 9.2 When screws are used to join assemblies during installation, the assemblies to be joined shall provide for the use of screws without being punched or drilled, except as referenced in 8.1. A screw shall not extend into a flue-gas passage. 9.3 A joint shall not retain condensation nor permit condensation or grease to flow from the interior to the exterior of the oven. 9.4 A joint between sections of the oven, fabricated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, shall not permit passage of a 1/32 inch (0.81 mm) diameter rod.UL 2162-2019 pdf download.

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