UL 1995-2011 pdf download

UL 1995-2011 pdf download

UL 1995-2011 pdf download.Heating and Cooling Equipment.
1 Scope 1 .1 These requirements apply to the following stationary equipment for use in nonhazardous locations rated 7200 V or less, single- or 3-phase, and remote control assemblies for such equipment: a) Heat pumps, for heating and cooling with or without factory, or field-installed electric resistance heaters, or hot water or steam heating coils. b) Air conditioners for cooling with or without factory, or field-installed electric resistance heaters, or hot water or steam heating coils. c) Cooling portion and associated components of combination heating and cooling equipment employing gas-, oil-, or gas-oil-fired heating means. However, the requirements for the construction and performance of the gas-, oil-, or gas-oil-fired heating means, and their associated components, are to conform to the particular standards covering such heating equipment and components. d) Liquid chillers and compressor-evaporator or liquid chiller assemblies intended for use with remote condensers. e) Condensing units intended for connection to a remote nonspecified evaporator and compressor units intended for connection to a remote nonspecified evaporator and condenser. f) Add-on heat pumps for comfort heating or heating and cooling. g) Heat pump water heaters and refrigerant desuperheaters, and packaged heat pump water heaters consisting of a heat pump water heater and an associated storage tank. h) Fan units and fan coil units for comfort heating and/or comfort cooling. i) Room fan heater units, central heating furnaces, and similar fixed electric space heating for comfort heating.
1 .4 A fan coil unit includes a motor-operated fan or blower together with a cooling coil, a heating coil, or both. The fan or blower is intended to recirculate air, and can introduce air from outside of the heated or cooled space. The coil can be used for refrigerant cooling, for chilled water cooling, for hot water heating, for steam heating, or for combinations of these functions. 1 .5 A fan coil unit is intended to be piped to a remote source of the heating and/or cooling mediums. A unit that includes an electric resistance heater is considered to be a fan coil unit if a water or refrigerant coil for comfort cooling and/or a water or steam coil for comfort heating is provided in the unit. 1 .6 A room fan heater unit is intended for heating only, includes a motor-operated fan or blower, employs electric resistance heat as the only heat source, and is intended to serve only one room or space. 1 .7 A fan coil unit or electric space heating equipment, as covered by these requirements, can be designed for free discharge of air to the room or can be provided with means for duct connection. 1 .8 A central warm air furnace is a heating appliance that consists of an electric heating element or elements with an air-circulating fan or blower, is provided with appropriate integral operating and temperature-limiting controls, and is housed in an enclosure designed to be connected to ductwork for the distribution of the heated air remote from the unit. 1 .9 The units referenced in Clause 1 .1 can consist of one or more factory-made assemblies. If provided in more than one assembly, the separate assemblies are to be used together, and the requirements are based on the use of matched assemblies.
Condenser, forced-air cooled – an assembly that includes an air-cooled condenser and one or more electric motor-driven fans or blowers to circulate air through the condenser coil. Condensing unit – an assembly that includes one or more compressors and condensers with interconnecting refrigerant piping and associated controls and wiring. A condensing unit may be intended for field connection to a remote evaporator, which may be an integral part of other refrigeration or air-conditioning equipment. Operation may include reverse cycle mode. Design pressure – the maximum allowable working pressure for which a specific part of a system or the unit is designed. Desuperheater – factory-assembled equipment in which the flows of refrigerant vapour and water are maintained in such heat transfer relationship that the refrigerant vapour is desuperheated and the water is heated. Normally it consists of a heat exchanger, water pump, and associated controls, but without a self-contained refrigerating system. Downflow unit – a forced air unit so designed that the air to be heated is forced vertically downward through the equipment heating compartment and discharged through the equipment base. Enclosure – that part that houses electrical components, internal wiring, and uninsulated hazardous voltage live parts. Functional part – a part other than an enclosure, cabinet, or structural part but which is necessary for the intended operation of the unit (for example, fan blade, etc.)UL 1995-2011 pdf download.

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