UL 1247-2019 pdf download

UL 1247-2019 pdf download

UL 1247-2019 pdf download.Diesel Engines for Driving Stationary Fire Pumps.
6.10 A means to verify the function of the engine overspeed shutdown shall be provided. Verification of the shutdown functionality at a speed less than the intended engine shutdown speed shall be permitted.
6.10.1 A means to verify the function of the following signals to the fire pump controller shall be provided:
a) Low engine lubricant pressure
b) High engine coolant temperature
c) Low engine temperature
d) High raw water temperature.
6.11 The engine, including primary ECM, shall not continuously draw a current greater than 0.5 amps during standby (non-operating) conditions.
6.12 The enclosures and polymeric materials used to construct instrumentation enclosures, or used to construct opening covers or components projecting through metal enclosures that form part of the enclosure shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations, ANSI/UL 50 and the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations, ANSI/UL 50E with a minimum Type 2 rating.
7 Fuel Injection and Speed Controller
7.0 General
7.0.1 Unit injector and in-line pump fuel injection systems shall be provided with check valves as referenced in LQ2 to prevent contamination of the engine lubrication oil with diesel fuel.
7.0.2 For the fuel injection systems described in LQi a differential pressure check valve shall be installed in the fuel supply line and a separate check valve shall be installed in the fuel return line to the fuel storage tank. The differential pressure check valve in the fuel supply line shall have an upstream pressure rating for leak tightness of at least 125 percent of the pressure that correlates to the maximum fuel height permitted in the manufacturer’s installation, operation and maintenance instructions. See 4J(k).
7.1 Mechanical fuel management control
7.1.1 Mechanical fuel management control shall provide a mechanical means to control the fuel injection process, and a mechanical or electrical means to control engine speed. If an electrical means is used to control engine speed, this control shall comply with all of the following:
a) Only receive input from the engine speed sensor(s) and a demand for engine shutdown to achieve its intended purpose,
b) Provide override speed control within 10 percent of the rated speed,
c) In the event of a failure of the electric governing card or speed sensor used as a part of the electrical control assembly (excluding loss of input power to governing card), the engine shall be arranged to return to the rated speed as required in 2QA by means such as the use of a redundant governing card or by a mechanical override.
7.1.2 A governor control DC solenoid utilizing battery current shall be permitted for run-stop control.
7.1.3 A govemor control solenoid mounted extermally to the governor that requires energy for the engine to run, shall be provided with a manual means to allow the engine to run in the event of solenoid failure. 7.1.4 The engine shall be equipped with an adjustable speed governor to maintain the engine speed within a range of no more than 10 percent variation between no load and maximum load conditions. 7.2 Electronic fuel management control 7.2.1 Electronic fuel management control as referenced herein incorporates an electronic means, such as a Electronic Control Module (ECM), to control engine speed and the fuel injection process. 7.2.2 An electronic fuel controlled engine shall be equipped with a primary ECM and an equivalent functioning alternate ECM to control the fuel injection process. 7.2.3 The primary and alternate ECM, automatic switching module, and contacts of the selector switch shall be installed in an enclosure complying with the applicable requirements of the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations, ANSI/UL 50 and the Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations, ANSI/UL 50E with a minimum Type 2 rating. The ECM’s integral enclosure shall be permitted to be used to comply with the requirements of ANSI/UL 50 and ANSI/UL 50E with a minimum Type 2 rating. 7.2.4 The engine shall be equipped with an adjustable speed controller to maintain the engine speed within a range of no more than 10 percent variation between no load and maximum load conditions. 7.2.5 Both the primary and alternate ECMs shall be protected from transient voltage spikes and reverse dc current. 7.2.6 An ECM shall be designed or programmed to not intentionally cause a reduction in the engine’s ability to produce the rated power output for any reason such as high coolant temperature, low lubricant pressure, or the like.
UL 1247-2019 pdf download.

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