UL 61215-1-1-2021 pdf download

UL 61215-1-1-2021 pdf download

UL 61215-1-1-2021 pdf download.Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules – Design Qualification and Type Approval – Part 1-1: Special Requirements for Testing of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic (PV) Modules.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
4 Test samples
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
5 Marking and documentation
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
6 Testing
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
7 Pass criteria
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable with the modifications listed below:
The maximum allowable value of reproducibility is set to r= 1,0 %.
The maximum allowable value of measurement uncertainty is set to m 1 = 3,0 %.
8 Major visual defects
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
9 Report
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
10 Modifications
This clause of IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11 Test flow and procedures
The test flow from IEC 61215-1:2021 is applicable.
11.1 Visual inspection (MQT 01)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.2 Maximum power determination (MQT 02)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.3 Insulation test (MQT 03)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.4 Measurement of temperature coefficients (MQT 04)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.5 Placeholder section, formerly NMOT
This subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021 does not require technology-specific modifications.
11.6 Performance at STC (MQT 06.1)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.7 Performance at low irradiance (MQT 07)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.8 Outdoor exposure test (MQT 08)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.9 Hot-spot endurance test (MQT 09)
The relevant subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021, test MQT 09, is applicable without modifications.
11.9.1 Purpose
The relevant subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021, test MQT 09, is applicable without modifications.
11.9.2 Classification of cell interconnection
The relevant subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021, test MQT 09, is applicable without modifications.
11.9.3 Apparatus
The relevant subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021, test MQT 09, is applicable without modifications.
11.9.4 Procedure
MQT 09.1 shall be performed in accordance to IEC 61215-2:2021.
11.9.5 Final measurements
The relevant subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021, test MQT 09, is applicable without modifications.
11.9.6 Requirements
The relevant subclause of IEC 61215-2:2021, test MQT 09, is applicable without modifications.
11.10 UV preconditioning test (MQT 10)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.18 Bypass diode testing (MQT 18)
This test of IEC 61215-2 is applicable without modifications.
11.19 Stabilization (MQT 19)
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable with the following modifications:
11.19.1 Criterion definition for stabilization
For the definition of stabilization as per test MQT 19 of IEC 61215-2:2021, x = 0,01 shall be used for
crystalline silicon PV modules.
11.19.2 Light induced stabilization procedures
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.19.3 Other stabilization procedures
This test of IEC 61215-2:2021 is applicable without modifications.
11.19.4 Initial stabilization (MQT 19.1) Initial stabilization of c-Si modules shall be obtained by exposing all modules to sunlight (either real or simulated) to an irradiation dose level of ≥10 kWh/m 2 . After this preconditioning all of the test modules shall be measured for STC power (MQT 06.1). To fulfil MQT 19 requirements two intervals of at least 5 kWh/m 2 each are required. If stabilization is performed outdoors no module temperature limits apply. A validated alternative procedure can be used in accordance to MQT 19 of IEC 61215-2:2021 After module stabilization, the timeframe for the subsequent tests is not critical. Perform all measurements within a comparable timeframe and state time in report. 11.19.5 Final stabilization (MQT 19.2) Final stabilization (MQT 19.2) is not required, except for modules that have been tested according to MQT 21, Potential induced degradation test (in sequence F), or MQT 13, Damp heat test (in sequence E). Final stabilization requirements differ depending on whether the module has been subjected to MQT 13 or MQT 21. For modules that have been tested according to MQT 13, damp heat test (in sequence E), a choice of two final stabilization methods, “Method 1” or “Method 2”, is available: Method 1) • Perform MQT 19.3 as defined in IEC 61215-2. • Record choice of stabilization method 1) in the test report.UL 61215-1-1-2021 pdf download.

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