UL 647-2010 pdf download

UL 647-2010 pdf download

UL 647-2010 pdf download.Unvented Kerosene-Fired Room Heaters and Portable Heaters.
2.4 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use. 2.4 revised July 27, 2001 2.5 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain temperatures not exceeding specified limits, and shall be used only under those specific conditions. 2.5 revised July 27, 2001 2.6 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard. 2.6 revised July 27, 2001 2.7 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information. 2.7 revised July 27, 2001 3 Installation And Operating Instructions 3.1 A copy of the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions shall be furnished with each heater. These instructions are to be used as a guide in the examination and test of the heater. For this purpose a printed edition is not required. 3.2 The instructions shall include such directions and information as deemed by the manufacturer to be adequate for attaining intended installation, maintenance, and use of the heater. For those heaters that are not intended for use with Synthetic Fuels, the instructions shall indicate that Synthetic Fuels shall not be used with the heater. At least the following information shall be included:
PYRIGHTED MATERIAL – NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM UL b) Is superseded by a requirement in this standard. 2.3 revised July 27, 2007 2.4 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use. 2.4 revised July 27, 2001 2.5 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain temperatures not exceeding specified limits, and shall be used only under those specific conditions. 2.5 revised July 27, 2001 2.6 Any undated reference to a code or standard appearing in the requirements of this standard shall be interpreted as referring to the latest edition of that code or standard. 2.6 revised July 27, 2001 2.7 Values stated without parentheses are the requirement. Values in parentheses are explanatory or approximate information. 2.7 revised July 27, 2001 3 Installation And Operating Instructions 3.1 A copy of the manufacturer’s installation and operating instructions shall be furnished with each heater. These instructions are to be used as a guide in the examination and test of the heater. For this purpose a printed edition is not required. 3.2 The instructions shall include such directions and information as deemed by the manufacturer to be adequate for attaining intended installation, maintenance, and use of the heater. For those heaters that are not intended for use with Synthetic Fuels, the instructions shall indicate that Synthetic Fuels shall not be used with the heater. At least the following information shall be included:
4.7 BURNER, VAPORIZING TYPE – A burner consisting of an oil-vaporizing bowl or other receptacle to which liquid fuel may be fed in controllable quantities with provision for admitting air and mixing it with the fuel vapor in combustible proportions. The heat of combustion is used to vaporize the fuel. 4.8 BURNER, WICK TYPE – A burner consisting of a receptacle and wick to which liquid fuel may be fed in controllable quantities. The wick carries the fuel to the combustion zone where air is introduced for combustion. 4.9 CASING – An enclosure forming the outside of the heater, no parts of which are likely to be subjected to intense heat. 4.1 0 CATALYST – A material that speeds the oxidation of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide into water vapor and carbon dioxide. 4.1 1 COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL – As pertaining to materials adjacent to or in contact with heaters, a material made of or having surfaces of wood, compressed paper, plant fibers, or other material that will ignite and burn. Such material shall be considered as combustible even though flameproofed, fire-retardant treated, or plastered. 4.1 2 COMBUSTION – The rapid oxidation of fuel accompanied by the production of heat, or heat and light. Complete combustion of a fuel is possible only in the presence of an adequate oxygen supply. 4.1 3 COMBUSTION CHAMBER – The portion of the heater within which combustion occurs and that is usually part of the heat exchanger. UL 647-2010 pdf download.

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