UL 79-2021 pdf download

UL 79-2021 pdf download

UL 79-2021 pdf download.Power-Operated Pumps for Petroleum Dispensing Products.
2 General 2.1 Components 2.1.1 Except as indicated in 2.1.2, a component of a product covered by this standard shall comply with the requirements for that component. See Appendix A for a list of typical standards covering components used in the products covered by this standard. 2.1.2 A component is not required to comply with a specific requirement that: a) Involves a feature or characteristic not required in the application of the component in the product covered by this standard, or b) Is superseded by a requirement in this standard. 2.1.3 A component shall be used in accordance with its rating established for the intended conditions of use. 2.1.4 Specific components are incomplete in construction features or restricted in performance capabilities. Such components are intended for use only under limited conditions, such as certain temperatures not exceeding specified limits, and shall be used only under those specific conditions. 2.1.5 Electrical components, including motors and wiring, when incorporated by a manufacturer in an assembly with a pump, and including the means provided in the pump assembly for electrical connections, shall comply with the requirements for equipment for use in hazardous locations, Class I, Group D, National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, Articles 500 and 501.
3.4 LINE-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT – A circuit involving a potential of not more than 600 volts and having circuit characteristics in excess of those of a low-voltage circuit. 3.5 LOW-VOLTAGE CIRCUIT – A circuit involving a peak open-circuit potential of not more than 42.2 volts supplied by: a) A battery; b) A Class 2 transformer; or c) A combination of a transformer and a fixed impedance that, as a unit, complies with the performance requirements for Class 2 transformers in accordance with the Standard for Low Voltage Transformers – Part 1: General Requirements, UL 5085-1 and the Standard for Low Voltage Transformers – Part 3: Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers, UL 5085-3. A circuit derived from a line-voltage circuit by connecting a resistance in series with the supply circuit as a means of limiting the voltage and current is not a low-voltage circuit. 3.6 RAINPROOF ENCLOSURE – An enclosure that prevents the entrance of a beating rain to the extent that there is no wetting of electrical parts and no water enters a compartment housing field installed wiring. CONSTRUCTION 4 Assembly 4.1 The construction of a pump shall be such that parts can be assembled in the intended manner after being dismantled to the extent needed for replacement of parts or for other maintenance or servicing. 4.2 When a pump requires the use of special pipe flanges, gaskets, bolts, or other special fittings or parts for making connections, such parts shall be furnished as part of the pump assembly. 4.3 A product shall be formed and assembled so that it has the strength and rigidity required to resist the abuses to which it is subjected without resulting in the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons due to total or partial collapse with: a) Resulting reduction of spacings; b) Loosening or displacement of parts; or c) Other defects.
5.2 With reference to the requirement in 5.1, an elastomeric part used in contact with liquid or vapor shall have the following properties when tested as specified in the Standard for Gaskets and Seals, UL 157: a) Those properties relating to minimum tensile strength and elongation after oven aging, as specified in UL 157. The service temperature used to determine the conditioning time and temperature for oven aging is to be 140°F (60°C), unless the product is designated for use at a higher temperature, or the temperature of the component measured during the temperature test is higher. b) Low temperature rating of minus 20°F (minus 29°C). c) Volume change and extraction as specified in the requirements for UL 157, for end-use applications of gasoline, gasoline/alcohol blends up to 15% Ethanol, gasoline/alcohol blends up to 15% Methanol, diesel fuel, fuel oil, and lubricating oil. Other end-use applications, when marked on the pump, shall use the fluids marked for exposure. Exception No. 1: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is considered to comply with the requirements of this paragraph. Exception No. 2: When an elastomeric part does not comply with the requirements described in (a) – (c), the pump assemblyshall be evaluated in accordance with 5.5. Exception No. 3: Testing with methanol is only required when the product is specifically rated formethanol blend use.UL 79-2021 pdf download.

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