UL 923-2020 pdf download

UL 923-2020 pdf download

UL 923-2020 pdf download.Microwave Cooking Appliances.
2.5 CONTROL AUTOMATIC ACTION- A omr in which at kest one 88ped is non-manual 2.6 CONTROL. AUXLIARY – A denice or 8smnbly of devices tha prorides a funesicnal uilly not relie upon a an operabonal on prective control and herefore is nof rele upon ftor salety For cuarmple, an eiciency control not reied upon to reduce the risk of electric shock. fre, or injuny to persons during nommal or abnomel operation of the end poduct i8 considered a8 guwilary control. 2.7 CONTROL MANUAL – A deice tha requrs drect human ineractcon to 8Civ816 or rst the cornrol. 2.8 CONTROL OPERATING- A device or assmbly of denioes, the operation of which starts or egulates the end produdt during normal operation. For example, a thermostad, the falure of which a hermal euloutiriler or another ayer of proletion woube migale polential hazrd, is considered an operating confrol Operaing controls are lso rferred to regulating contnols, 2.9 CONTROL, PROTECTIVE – A devce or asembly of dewices. the operaton of wahich is intended t1o reduce the risk of electnio shock. fire or injury lo persons during reasonably anticipated abnomal operation of the appiance. For example, a thermail cutouvimier or ary other contnolerait reled upon for nomal and abnomal condtions. is considered a proective control. Protective controls are also nederned t如o   Timiting controls and ‘satety controls” 2.10 CONTROL, TYPE 1 ACTION – The at.uston of an automatic control for ahich the marufacturing doviation and the dhint (oderance before and afer certain condions) of its qperating value, operating time, or operaring sequenoe has not been declared and testod under this standard. 2.11 CONTROL TYPE 2 ACTION – The acuabion of an automabic control for wahicth the manufacturing deviation and the dhift (oderance before and afer certain condions) of its operating value, operating ime, or opraing 89quen0e have been dedared and tsted under this standand.
2.14.1 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION – The plysica iterface between two peints in a circut such  spade terminals, pin brmnals, micro swich contacts, relay contacts, timer contacts, and crimped cornections. 2.15 EQUVALENT PLANE-WAVE POWER DENSITY – The square of he ms fechic feld sength dided by the impedance of free space (377 onms), 2.15.1 FLAME CYLINDER – A popaction of a vrial cyinder having a dlameter of 20 mm and a height of 50 mm, placed above the center of the cmmection zone(s) and on top of any polymeric parts that are supporting erren-carrying elecrical connections 88 shoan in Fig.re 122. 2.16 NTERLOCK – A device or system, either electnical, mechanical, or electromechanical, theat serves to prevent expesure加o an eledtric shock, or phrysical inuny, or ecessive radatian emission when a door, cover, or ace8s panel is opened or removed. 2.17 INTERLOCK MONITOR – An ecrical mechanical, or ecromecharica 8ylem that 88rve8 1to render a microwave cooling epliance incapable of generating micowave gnergy in the event the designated primary or seoondary iterlock. or botm does not pertorm its intended function. 2.18 MAGNETRON – A rpe of microwave gererator usualy used in microwave coking apiances. 2.19 MICROWAVE ENCLOSURE – Reters to the ier carity wals, the door, waveguide. and radation shieking Bround magneton flament cnnectionsn. 2.20 MICROWAWE RADIATION EMISSION – The microwave energy to which persons might be exposed during operaion or user serv cing of a microaave cooking pplance. 2.21 OVER-THECOOKTOP MICROWAVE OVEN – Any applance, induding a combinston microwave oren vont-hood tan, that may be lcated above a range. cookbop, or similar heating appiance. I1 alo includes apliances thal can be located on a vent-hood shelt above a range or cooktop.
2.23 PRIMARY INTERLOCK – A des gnaion for cne of the owen door inerocks. The primery interlock i intended to de anergize the miorosawe generator upon opering the oven doorr betore microwave radiaion emission exceeds the levels specfhed im 39.1.1. 2.24 PRIMARY CIRCUITS – The wiring and components that are condutrely conecdede 0 fhe branch drcult. 2.25 SAFETY CIRCUIT – Ary primary or secondary crout that is reled upon t1o reduce a nisk of fre, electnic shock, injury to persons, or excesshve radiation (microwave or x-radation) emission A interlock areuil, tor example. is wonsidered to be 8 8tey orcuit. 2.26 SECONDARY CIRCUIT – A secondary cireu is cne that is supplie from an isclaled secondary winding of a transfomer. 2.27 SECONDARY INTERLOCK – A designation for cne of the oven door inerodks. The operation of the seccndary iteriock的intended t0o prevernt microwave rdision rission from exceeding the level specifed in 39.1.1 when the door opened.UL 923-2020 pdf download.

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