UL 982-2021 pdf download

UL 982-2021 pdf download

UL 982-2021 pdf download.Motor-Operated Household Food Preparing Machines.
6.4.2 A capaciter o。ceapacior molter and a capacior oreted acro88 he line (suth 8 a capacitor or rdo-intererence elimination) shal be housed within an enclosure or container theart protects the plates against physical damage and prevents the emission of fame or molien material resuting from failure of the capecior. Expepl 8 noled in 64.3 and 6.4.5 the container shall be sheet steel having an 8verage thickness of 0.020 inch 40.51 mm) or shall be 80 constucted 8 to aford equivalert protecion. Enrception: A capactor compywing wih me Standard for Capactors, UL 810 or an alecromagnetie inerference fer with an mfegral enclosure complying th the Standard for Eiecdromagnefic Merference Fllers, w 1283. 8 conaidered和酶adequately prfcfed. 6.4.3 The container of a capecitor may o o sheet metal lss in pickness Than That menticned in5420r of other aproprase matersl H the capacitor is mounted in an endosure that houses other parts of the appiance Bhat is acceptable for he enclosure of ive parts. 6.44 Under both nomal and abnormgl condiorns of u5e a capachtor employing 8 dielecric medum more combusibla than askarel shal not CRuSE or ncrse a nisk of elechic shock or fre and sha be protected against expusion of the dielectic medum Exception: A profecled capacitor complying wth the Standerd for Capactors, UL 810. or an elecromsgnetic werfernce EYer compoing Hith he Stenderd for Eectronvgnelie Inerfrence Firer, UL 1283.超considered no have adequato profection against expulsion of the dieiecnie medum 6.4.5 The indwidual endosure of an electrolytic capacitor wth means ftor vening is roqurned to be such a5如o prvide prolection agains pihysical iniury cnly and the requirerment for minimum enclosure thickness d088 not eppy The indviua endoure 0 an elecrdyc capactor not providled with meang for vering and with opening more than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) wide betieen tho Capacitor endosure and the motor need not comply with the requrement for endosure thickness given in 6.4.2.
6.5.2 Operating controls Operating conrols shill comply wit 8) The Standard for Solid-State Controls for Appliances. UL 244A b) The Standard kor Tmpraure-ndicating and Regdatig Devices uL 873. or 6) The Slandand for Autoralic Elestrial Controls – Part 1: General Requrements. UL 60730-1. and, where eplicale, the nlevant Part 2 standard from the UL 60730 seres. Encoption: Except 路speotied 的Exoption No 2 of 5.2.2 a alectronce operating comtrol may aMermafively be evalusted 85 an suntlany control的n acordance with 6.5.22 A control liming the operating time during nomal operation, starting or sppping the mokor, and any conmpol roqurned for complance wih ths sandard during normal operacion of the applance shall be ewaluated as an operating control. Exception Mo. 1: A electroni control acting a5 an intenlock required for complance wth mis standand, sha boe erauated0 888 proefvfe contro. Excepion No 2: An electronie conrou staring or sopping the motor shal be ervaluater 8 an auntiary contral t 司The pplane has no acessble moving pats during normal operaton Mely to cause imuny: b) The electronic conro is placing the plance im stand by made. where a single mafuncton of a component can c8u86 umexpecte operafion.
6.6 Cords, cables, and Inemal w ding 6.6.1 A power supply crd shall comply with the Sandard for Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords, UL 6.6.2 Flexble cords and cablee shal comply with the Standard lor Fleaible Cords and Cable&. UL 62. Flexible cord and cables are considered to full ths requlrement when preasembled in a power suppy cord complying with the Standard for Cord Sets and Power Supphy Cords. UL 817. 6.6.3 Intemal wirng composed of insutated conductors shall comphy wilth the Standard for Appliance Wwring Maternal. UL 758. Excoption No.1: Imsulated conductors need not comply wt uL 758 e they comply wth: 司The Standard for Themst-msulatod Wrs and Cables, UL 44 D) The Standar tor Thermplsto isuwatd Wres and Cabes, uL 83: or c The Standard for Furtre Wire, u 8 Exception No. 2: Mnsulated conductors located的a wowotage crcuit not invowing tme nish of personasl iniuy nee nor comply wth W 758.UL 982-2021 pdf download.

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